Presoflex: Works on the arrangement of the City Museum of Požega
Presoflex: Works on the city swimming pools in Nova Gradiška are progressing according to plan
Presoflex: Current activities in the Pleternica agglomeration
Presoflex is restoring the Lipik spa park
IC Museum of Bećarac in Pleternica – from next year an unavoidable tourist spot of this part of Slavonia
Presoflex is selling family apartments in the center of Požega!
Projekt aglomeracije Pleternica znatno će poboljšati uvjete života građana i doprinijeti očuvanju okoliša
Presoflex gradnja će u Ratkovici kraj Pleternice izgraditi društveni dom
Presoflex izgradio dječji vrtić Grozdić u Kutjevu
Održana početna konferencija projekta „Energetska obnova Osnovne škole Fra. Kaje Adžića Pleternica
Presoflex Gradnja gradi Sabirni centar Hrvatske pošte